Tuesday 19 May 2015

Textual Analysis

Textual Analysis - Film Poster
Visual Codes - The film poster for 'the business of recovery' shows a tablet or pill to be filled with money. This could suggest that to be successful in business there are precautions you will need to take which could either make you ill so you will need to 'recover' or will make you end up taking drugs. They have also used a blue sky to suggest that people think business is all happy and doesn't have any bad or rainy days where things go wrong. 

Layout and Design - The layout of this poster is quite plain leaving a lot to the reader's imagination and interpretation to intrigue the reader. The colours of the pill used are red and white, white being a pure colour of angels however red is related to blood, love and even the devil so this could show that the film has a split side just like how the pill has split with the money falling. 

Language and mode of address- The title of the film poster shows the name in the 's' to be a dollar sign which suggested that a main element of business is the money that comes with it. This also suggest that the film is based in america because of the currency used for the film poster. 

Genre - I would say the genre of this would be documentary as their are no stars names in the film poster which would suggest that there isn't a star casting as that it has more of a serious feel.  

Thursday 23 April 2015

Analyse the Pride trailer

Analyse the Pride trailer

In the trailer for Pride they show establishing shots of scenery in Wales to represent their national identity. They use shots of mountains and fields which have become iconic to people who think of Wales.

Also when thinking of Wales national identity people associate it with small and close communities which are also shown in this trailer when they show a community hall filled with people from the area. 
The people in the community centre in this clip they show them in minimal makeup with traditional clothing on for that time period which is also associated with Wales and the people there as they aren't known for wearing alot of makeup. 

Tuesday 21 April 2015

National and Regional Identity

"Cannabis factory uncovered in Bedworth"

This is showing the people of Bedworth in a negative light as the cannabis factory was uncovered there and isn't a positive story.
However this is showing the police force of the region in a positive way as they are uncovering crime in the area therefore they are working to make the area safer.

Thursday 16 April 2015

 Analysis of News story 
The language used shows that it is aimed at the working class as it shows off David Camerons policies. The use the term 'Grafter' which shows who they are targetting their news at as a higher class may not be familiar with this term.
The visual codes they have used show Cameron in a strong and assertive pose, this shows that the people

Thursday 26 March 2015



1. Newspaper - The Sun
2. TV Programme - The Only Way Is Essex
3. Advertising Poster - Diet Coke

Who is the target audience?

1. People who don't have a lot of disposable income families, 18-50 people interested in news more interested in gossip type news in comparison to the economy etc
2. 15-25 year olds who watch and enjoy reality TV
3. People who are eating healthily 16-30 typically women


Reception theory 

2. Regular reality TV show viewers
3. People on diets who enjoy the drink
1. People who like factual news
2. People who don't like reality shows

Appeal to the audience?

1. Trivial headlines, Celeb stories

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Run All Night Poster

Target? 16-30, Action - iconography gun, bandaged up hand, men behind Liam Neeson

Appeal? Liam Neeson fans, action films, setting

Attract? mainly boys who like action films, Liam Neeson typical character dad figure

Position? 4 men in front of a city scene - mystery, powerful men

Respond? Excited, Action, Intrigued

Paper Towns

Paper Towns Trailer 

Target Audience? People who are interested/fans of Cara Delevingne, 15-30 

Appeal? People who have read the book, people who had watched the fault in our stars 

How do it attract the audience? Actors, Story line 

How does it position the audience? Girls relate to the Cara character (cheated on), Boys ins school or college can relate to the boy in the trailer as they may like a girl who they are too shy to talk to 

How would different audience respond? become intrigued by the love story set up 

Thursday 12 March 2015


Media quiz Improvements 


P - personal  
I - information 
E - entertainment 
S- social integration 

Examples of Audience categories 

Age, Race, Gender, Hobbies 

Thursday 5 March 2015

Race and Ethnicity Representation

Race and Ethnicity Representation 

My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding 

Ethnicity in 'My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding' in shown in both negative as positive aspects as it shows that not all gypsies are the same however the majority of stuff it shows not many people would agree with it. The show shows gypsies fighting and picking up/dragging girls away at parties in which the girls have no choice in, this would not be accepted in many cultures of society.
This program portrays the people as dangerous as they get into fights with other families which therefore to the program viewers who don't usually see these people who feel as those this stereotype is right and that all gypsies are dangerous to approach or speak to. 

The Simpsons 

Apu is shown as a stereotypical indian man, he is shown to spend the majority of his time in the 'kwik-e-mart' where he works which is always open. However Apu has a wife and 8 children which people associate larger families which the indian culture or ethnicity.  He is shown to be friendly with all his customers. 

Tuesday 3 March 2015

How are ethnic groups represented in the music industry?

How are ethnic groups represented in the music industry?

Nicki Minaj - Only ft Drake, Lil Wayne, Chris Brown

This represents black women in a positive way as Nicki Minaj is shows as a powerful women surrounded by three also powerful men. Also the angles show her in this video as many being dominant to the three other men and everyone in the video who are around her. This shows also that gender roles are not stereotypical in this video as they have been before, as she is shown as being in control of the men.
This video is showing a stereotypical black young man in the sense that he is in a poor looking home with not a lot of money but then later on in the video he is shown to be out with a large group of friends drinking. 

Thursday 26 February 2015

Audience Theory 
Personal Identity 

This helps people who are not confident cooks gain confidence in cooking and helps them to think that they will be able to cook too.

People may watch Big Brother for entertainment purposes as there are different tasks which take place so viewers may find humour in this and the fact that celebrities have to live together in a house together.


The news give people information about the weather and things which are going on in the world, this way people are able to use it as a way of gaining information about different things they may not know from watching other programs.

Social Interaction

The only was is essex is an example of social interaction as its a TV series which people will watch or may watch because their friends or family do as well so by watching it they will be able to use it in social situations to talk about.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Butterfly on a Wheel 

Shot Analysis

8:16- this is a shot reverse shot to show when Gerald butler is talking to another man to show the convosations and their emoutions. 

9:17- is a point of view which shows what the female character is looking at so the audience can gain the perspective of the character. 

10:28this is a close up which shows a characters emoutions and is mainly focused just on the face of the women who is the actor. 

12:13- shows the mise en scene to the audience as well as the two characters which is a mid shot of 
what is going on.

13.23- Cut in shot to show a particular part in detail to express emoution such as the hands together.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Tom Ford perfume advert 
How are women being represented? Why?
The women is being shown as a sex object for the purpose of the advert as they have only used parts of her body rather than her face or whole of her body they have used the chest area up to the lips. This is used like a 'Male gaze' as men will be attracted to the way the women is being objectified in the advert because of the way she is holding the bottle in between her boobs in a sexual way. Also the colour connotations show the colour red which is suggested with passion and sexual themes which is why they have chosen this for her lip and nail colour.
Who do you think the target audience are?
The perfume will be aimed at men because this is who there audience is for the perfume and many of there similar ads are shown with women in a similar way such as a perfume bottle between a women's legs which also has sexual connotations towards men. This is used as a way to encourage men to buy the perfume through the usage of having women portrayed in this way as they think men will appeal to this more.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

This Girl Can
Advert (Campaign)

The women in the 'this girl can' video are of all shapes and sizes showing that the campaign wants everyone no matter what they look like to join sport. The video shows a girl running with a caption of "i jiggle therefore i am" which leaves the answer to the viewer and the mise en scene of the advert are all in natural environments of where women would be running. The girl who is running isn't stereotypically thin therefore it is showing to women that it is okay to run any shape and for any reason they want to. This shows that the women are being used to represent the different types of women in Britain; the camera close up of her legs is important as it shows that the women isn't afraid to run and that other women shouldn't be afraid of their insecurities either. Also the clothing used in these close up shows women in natural unbranded clothes which could suggest that there is not a certain type or price to put on fitness.
This shot shows a women close up and shows a more curvy figure to that the media is used to when showing sport or athletic women in adverts. The campaign is there to encourage women into sport by showing the fun and realistic expectations of what swimming or running is like for example. The close ups the campaign use don't show the women to have the "perfect" figure and it doesn't state that they are working towards the perfect figure either, this therefore shows to women that they should get into sport for fun or to make friends and socialise rather that to please the reasons many think sport is for.